Thursday, January 19, 2006

i spent a horribly sleepy afternoon cadding by funny collegues.
-is your boyfriend romantic?
replied without a pause. glee in eyes, like okay, i miss you.
i had a chocolate. mingyao called.
-is it raining over there? i'm craving for lavander wanton mee. you want? i'll drive down and pick you up.
glee in tone. it rained quick fickle showers in the near dusk. the prattle on the shophouse roof. an orchestra really. shadows outside louvres and water on the timber slats that drip pretty-like.
- flowers for your table? they're not cut nice enough for the reception desk.
- okay, nice. are they real?
they are really very sweet smelling huge milky roses painted silver on the outside few petals. a cruelty, falsity. beautiful though. stalks removed and opaque and soft. the veins.

mingyao arrives and i am whisked off to have slurpy gravy wanton mee in a gaudy food place brightly lit. i get a cool gift he spent twelve hours making for me. orange county and rachel bilson and adam brody. so sweet you! on the ride home he has a thought.
- you know what i crave?
- what
- ribena. let's stop at the petrol station and get us a packet each.
- okay!

suburban adventures in silly speak, on a black canvas and a wet road.

last night. sms goodnights. jelly knees and swoons make like the real stuff of life actually.

mingyao: i love you from the bottom of my heart.
mei: i love you from the top, bottom, left and right of my heart, and even with all the veins, capillaries, arteries, valves, blood cells, oxygen, platelets and haemoglobin.
mingyao: i love you even from that component of my blood which is low in count - eosinophile.

ah. my sustenance.

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